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The Basics of Investing in a 401k


The Basics of Investing in a 401k

A 401k is a type of retirement savings account that is offered by many employers in the United States. Investing in a 401k can be a great way to save for your retirement, but it can also be confusing if you don't understand the basics.


How Much Money Do You Need to Start Investing?


How Much Money Do You Need to Start Investing?

One of the most common questions I get when I speak with people just starting out with investing is how much money do I need to start. Luckily there are many options to effectively invest your money that are suitable for someone with $500, or someone with $5,000 or more. This post should help you choose which option is best for you based on your current financial situation.


Welcome to My World of Finance and Investing


Welcome to My World of Finance and Investing

To be clear, I have zero experience working in the financial industry. I am an ocean engineer by formal education and currently work as a software developer, which I taught myself in less than two years. What I do have is a passion for learning, problem solving and helping others, especially when it comes to personal finance and investing.


Best Investments for Millennials


Best Investments for Millennials

Growing up alongside my fellow millennials both before and after college, I recognized that that the majority of us have little to zero knowledge in the areas of personal finance and investing in the stock market.